Saturday, November 20, 2010

The highest income from my Adsense

Yippie! This is the new record for my Adsense. I don't know exactly what make it high, either high traffic high, high paying keyword, or targeted traffic that make my Adsense account fly high.

Well, I just make a practice as did mentioned by my friend, do Search Engine Optimization and targeted traffic as well. I hope this new record will be broken and hope will be another new high record soon. All the best to me?

And the first time ever, my Adsense feed got a click.

I know many of you received more than this from Google Adsense, but for me.. this figure is enough to make me smile all day. Hahaha

Ermm.. coffee and pizza with me? :-)


  1. Can u help me please? reply on my Blog!

  2. Not bad at all! easily reach the minimum payout in a matter of days!

  3. can adsense really make money??if we already have nuffnang,can we include adsense in our blog?

  4. thanks :)

    i think this is only a luck for me. by the way, maybe for certain hot keyword and placed on the first page of google search result make it happen that so..

    Ms Quincy, sure u can place Adsense and Nuffnang without affecting your Glitterati status. Glitterati only affected by South East Asia advertising company..

  5. congrate!!my adsense account is zero since last year:((

  6. farahwahida, i could not see any adsense in

  7. hehe...biase2 percubaan...

  8. ok la tu bro..aku pakai blogspot je ni ha.. nak pakai Joomla tp huhu..malas nak upload plugin2 dia

  9. hi bro, your adsense income not bad, as good as mine also. I achieve USD60/month recently. Want to share link together? I add you in my blog alredi. Thanks
