Saturday, November 13, 2010


Ops,sorry for that rude term in the title post. Just want to express how dip the gold price will go down. I read a few article about gold price today.

Gold tumbles on China rate-rise talk
Why gold is a bad investment?
Gold price down, its not always glitter.

And as we know, yesterday was the day when the gold price dropped sharply.

What to expect on next week? Will the gold price continue to go down? My friend who are selling gold from Public Bank always said that gold is a secure investment because it is always increase in value.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Still can make money at Sponsored Tweet

Fisrt withdawal from my Sponsored Tweet. Well.. who don't know about Sponsored Tweet ya? As well as you know about Churp Churp.. it is the same as Sponsored Tweet.

The different is Churp Churp is a Nuffnang sister company, which I believe a subsidiary of Nuffnang. Means that Churp Churp is a Malaysia company which target Malaysian market, and Malaysian (Singapore as well) Twitterers.

Could you make money at Churp Churp? If you can make money at Churp Churp..means that you also can make money at Sponsored Tweet. 

Here is my first withdrawal and payment proof from Sponsored Tweet. To withdraw, your minimum account should be minimum of USD2. Hahahaha Only USD2. But I advised you to collect the money, or accumulate that money until you can get a lot of happiness when you receive the money.

My account was USD4.34. But when I withdraw, USD2 deducted as  a fee, (similar to RM1 deducted from withdrawal from Churp Churp or Nuffnang). Then when I received the money, after USD2 fee, I only get as below. Ha, enough to buy a cup of coffee. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Make money with Fiverr

I know about a few month ago. Then I started to place my gig at Fiverr. Fiverr for those who don't know, it is a place where we can sell our services, and our service is called as gig. Everything you sell on Fiverr is at USD5.00 only, regardless of its difficulties.

Everything you sell is at USD5. And from USD5 sales, sellers have to pay fees for Fiverr at USD1. So, the net profit from the sales is USD4.

Your account can be withdrawn at anytime, and the payment is done via PayPal.